Be You! Be Beautiful! Be Fabulous!
Hi, I'm Devon
Welcome to my blog!!
I am a working mom, married, and have three children; I love fashion, TACOS, makeup, shopping, writing poetry, and even my kids.....Just kidding, of course, I love my children. If you didn't laugh at that, I'm going to need you to sit down, open up your mind, and take a Xanax, baby!
She's Not Your Average Mom Blog is for the working moms, stay-at-home-moms, single moms, just MOMS period that become overwhelmed with life after becoming a mom; and let's admit it; it's hard as F**k!
Parenting is not always cupcakes, sprinkles, and arts and crafts. As moms, we struggle in different parts of our journey, but I want you to know you don't have to do it alone! I'm here to be transparent, relatable, and real with you!! So sit down, grab yourself a drink, and let's talk about it!!!
