Welcome to February Mama!
Baby I had a week! I hope your week was a lot more relaxing than mine. Monday consisted of trial prep, when I tell you my boss loves to wait until the last minute, I mean the last minute. While she functions immaculately under pressure I don’t like to, I cringe at it every time because it is extremely stressful to prepare the extravagant trial notebooks the day before a trial starts. But I survived…. barely and lucky me there is another trial on Tuesday, but the majority of that notebook is complete. My body is screaming for rest, but unfortunately, Saturdays tend to be my “catch-up days.” I had my whole Saturday planned and it turned into a complete shit show. I won’t bore you with the details, but it is one my husband and I will look back on and laugh. On the upside, Ollie won his football game and had some amazing plays. While I planned for the greatest nap after his game somewhere between my shit show and 5:00 pm my nap became a distant memory; an idea that I conjured up for laughs.

To be honest there are days I will push through and then there are days that I have to listen to my body to maintain my well-being and mental health. As moms, the first thing, we sacrifice for our children is our self-care and when I tell you that is the worst thing you can do, I mean exactly that. If you struggle with implementing self-care into your daily routine, I want you to write these questions down and place them where you will see them daily.
1. What do I need right now?
2. What kind of self-care feels most beneficial to me?
3. What boundaries or limitations do I need to set to take better care of myself?
4. How can I incorporate self-care into my daily routine?
By answering these self-care questions, you can identify what you need to prioritize to take care of yourself mentally, emotionally, and physically. Implementing a daily self-care routine requires conscious intention and commitment. If you are unsure where to begin here are some tips to help you get started!
1. Set Specific Goals: Be specific and define what self-care activities you want to incorporate and how much time you want to dedicate to them.
2. Schedule Activities in Advance: Set aside time in your daily or weekly schedule dedicated only to self-care activities, this will help keep your self-care a priority.
3. Start Small: Start with small self-care activities that you can easily include in your routine.
4. Be Flexible and Responsive to Needs: Recognize that every day's needs vary.
5. Involve a Support System: Encouragement from loved ones can help to keep you accountable and motivate you to maintain self-care.
Mama, prioritize your self-care. While it may seem incidental it is the best thing you can do for yourself and your family! You cannot pour into your children when you don’t take the time to fill your cup. As always mama I am rooting for you! You got this! If you found this article inspiring, I hope you join me next week to discuss the advantages of self-care.
With Love,
This content is so important thank you.